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(Abbonamenti: U)

TURVAL 5 CAMELIDS Daily has been studied expressly to complement the daily diet of Llamas and Alpacas.
It has also been tested on the camelid species under the careful control of qualified veterinary at the Ohio State University ( Columbus) USA.
The typified selected lactic yeasts ( turval B0399) contained in TURVAL 5 Camelids differ from the normally used beer yeasts (Saccaromyces) or lactic ferments (lactobacillis) in that they : By-Pass the rumens barrier, involving the abomasum and large areas of the intestines; Present an elevated replication capacity; Favor the multiplication of preexisting protozoal flora, increasing the degradedation of the food in the stomach compartmens; Aid in maintaining a correct pH value during the phases of rumination and pasturing; Defend the micro-ruminal flora during antibiotic therapy.

Intestinal bioregulator for racing horses: the ideal new component for your horse's diet for an optimum state of health.
It is an effective aid in preventing and treating colic.

(Misura: full, Colore: nero)

Cavezza Equi-Thème mod. “Soft” in nylon con decorazioni motivo cavalli, Imbottitura in lana sintetica, fibbie in acciaio molto resistente.
Completa di lunghina con moschettone dello stesso colore e decorazione della cavezza.

(lettere: A)

(colore: rosso)

Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery